Sunday 18 January 2009

how to get free content for your blog

Have you ever wondered how some people's websites come up number one for searches for things that happened the night before? You know things like Paris Hilton Cell Phone Gets Hacked or some American Idol Singer or something that happened in the news. Well I am going to let you in on a little secret. It is because the search engines have targeted these web sites as having fresh content and therefore sends their little search engine spiders to it constantly to read the new fresh content.

Search engines love content, the more the better. Especially if that content is on a page that changes everyday. That is why Blog sites are great for spider food. Think about it, little paragraphs of compact topics enriched with keywords and links. Everyday the person posts something about their life or some other subject. Once a search engine spider comes by and sees this fresh content it will notice the dates, maybe the file creation date or any and all changes from the last time it visited. So if you can get multiple spiders coming back weekly, daily or hourly you can instantly have an effect on search results.

Well it is not that easy. You still have to be optimized more than the next guy that may have more credibility than you. Or knows more about search engine algorithms and what they filter when a search engine visits your site. I mean, if your blogging daily and you know how to optimize for the search engines I doubt you're really going to pull out all your tricks. It is hard enough coming up with new things to talk about everyday let alone spending 15 minutes checking one paragraph for keyword density. So that is why I just type what I think and every once in a while leave a trick or two out. If I can come up high enough for a set of keywords, then I will just come back and tweak the page to get it where I want it.

So are you ready for a big secret? Now do not tell anybody! There are websites that have search engine spiders on their site all day everyday. These are websites that have ever changing fresh new content. All you have to do is get a link on that site to yours. Then the spiders will find these links and come by your site. So if you did that everyday for a week, you would have spiders keep coming back over and over again as long as you keep the site fresh.

You probably cursing at me right about now, thinking that there is no way to get a link on these sites. Well not really, you have to look for these types of sites. One way to find them is to go to and search for sites with allot of traffic and see if there are the type of sites you can interact with.

Note: Alexa is a web site ran by Amazon and is a special type of engine. They attempt to measure a website's traffic and report these results on their site. The lower the number, the more traffic they get. So if I had a traffic rating of 134,000. Then that would mean I am the one hundred thirty four thousandth website in the world for traffic. Okay not really, it is not that accurate but accordingly to Alexa I am.

One way I know that Google likes my site and the spider keeps coming back to my site to see what I have (other than my website traffic logs) is that my site will come up when I do a search for my main keyword of the page I am updating often. Then I look at the Google cache snapshot of my site and low and behold you will have the date the spider came by and indexed it. The last time I was updated was yesterday. So far I am doing well. I have spiders visiting my site daily and my posts are making their way all around the net.

If a website has a low Alexa rating, then it is safe to say they get allot of traffic and might have allot more spiders visiting than other sites. Just look at the content, does it change often? Is it news? Blogs? Forums? You get the idea; get your links on them.

Now your wondering how do you get the spiders to keep coming back. Well that is easy. First thing you must do is post to your webpage (or blog) everyday. I know it is tough, but you can do it. Next thing you need to do is go all over the net and get links to your site. Forums and other related blogs would do the trick. Now, don't just go over to a forum and say come over to my site and post a link. Log into your profile and put the link in your signature. Then every time you post, you will leave a link. If your site or blog is topic related, then find sites related to that topic or industry etc. This will help in keyword searches related to your site later if those sites are in the same industry as you.

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